We offer inclusive sports & athletics sessions to people who suffer from inclusion and disabilities.

We put weekly athletics sessions at Prescot Soccer Centre to help combat social isolation and get more people with disabilities into sports.

work locally in the community & through our Treatment & Recovery Centres to provide a wide range of innovative and bespoke care services.
Our expectation is that people with autism can learn and develop and we support this process every single day. We will create unique services for people to enable them to have ownership of their own lives and future.


Apprenticeships are real jobs that allow you to earn a wage while you learn. They can take between one and five years to complete depending on the level.

Asylum Link is an organisation dedicated to assisting Asylum Seekers and Refugees and to raising public awareness around Refugee issues.
Attention Deficit Disorder or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a neurological condition which is estimated to affect approximately 1% of children in the U.K.. The first behaviours are often found in early childhood, most children start to become recognised as having between the ages of 5 & 9 years. The condition continues throughout the school years and it is thought that 60% of children will carry some symptoms through to adulthood.
Vulnerable people at risk of abuse may include the elderly and those with a physical or learning disability.
ND Pathway Letter
Contrary to popular myths, life is often desperately hard for asylum seekers and refugees. The Liverpool City of Sanctuary movement, started in 2012, seeks to unite those already working to support asylum seekers and refugees, and provide a simple platform for others to do the same.
Campaigns for quality care for disabled and disadvantaged children. Provides information and respite care resources.

Knowsley Parent Carers Voice Family Fun Day on the 29th August was an overwhelming success, click HERE to read the article on the Knowsley News and see some of the photos taken.

UK based Summer Camp Adventures for 8-16 year olds providing child-focused residential holidays in a safe, supportive environment, away from the pressure of ‘real life’. Where days are play-packed and leave a child with memories that we believe are essential to a happy childhood.
Anorexia & Bulimia Care (ABC) is run for anyone who is suffering because of eating disorders: sufferers, their families, carers and professionals.
Acorn Farm is an award-winning, family-friendly attraction in Kirkby, Merseyside.
Changing Places - toilet map; Disabled Go - access information on venues
AdvoCat helps put children and young people in touch with an ‘ ’, someone who is here to make sure your voice is heard loud and clear.
Helping parents and professionals through antenatal screening. ARC offers non-directive information and support to parents before, during and after antenatal screening; when they are told their baby has an anomaly.
Afasic is the UK charity representing children and young people with speech, language and communication difficulties, and supporting their parents and carers.
The service operates borough wide and offers a comprehensive assessment for Social Work intervention.
Adaptations and Equipment, Orthotics and Continence services
The national service in England that can provide an to children and young people who cannot access the local advocacy support they are entitled to
Provide support to mothers suffering from post-natal illness depression, their partners and healthcare professionals.
Would you like to receive confidential emotional support from another parent?
Telephone: 0151 477 8310 Huyton, L36 7TA

NYAS stands for National Youth Advocacy Service, but we are known simply as NYAS.

Charity for all areas of Merseyside
Providing information, advice and support for everyone affected by a parent's drinking, whether a child, young person or adult.
CEOP works with child protection partners across the UK and overseas to identify the main threats to children

Town Council owned and manages this facility, serving the community of Halewood. Large function room, licenced bar, grass football pitches, changing rooms and adjacent childrens playground.

Large multi use Sports Hall and synthetic (3G) floodlit enclosed pitches.

The provides a number of services which can help people to live more independently.
This personalised study programme is for 19-24 year olds with learning difficulties and disabilities and focuses on building the skills and experience needed to pursue an active life in the local community. Learners take part in volunteering, work experience and options such as travel training to further develop their independence and prepare them for the future.
Free confidential advice and support on any aspect of dementia care.

AUKMM Provides services for older people across the borough to include a range of health, wellbeing and benefit services. Also runs Roby Community Hub for local hiring purposes forfurther community delivery.

Assistance cards to make travelling around the borough easier

Arriva bus company is one of a number of bus operators who have produced assistance cards, making it easier for people with disabilities, particularly those that are hidden or not easy to recognise, to use bus services.

This personalised study programme is for 19-24 year olds who have profound and multiple learning difficulties, severe learning difficulties or other conditions requiring high levels of support. It continues to build on previous curricula from school and focuses on individual and personal goals.
Anxiety UK works to relieve and support those living with anxiety and anxiety-based depression by providing information, support and understanding via an extensive range of services, including 1:1 therapy.
Around 850,000 people in the UK have dementia. Dementia is not a normal part of ageing.
Through our community-based groups, we offer programmes and learning opportunities that raise awareness; develop skills; share learning experiences; and build confidence; supporting the families of neurodiverse children & young people, who may also have specific learning difficulties or associated mental health needs.
Arden College is situated in the heart of Southport. As a specialist day and residential college for students aged 16-25 years with learning difficulties and disabilities and/or behavioural and social difficulties, Arden College provides individual programmes of support either as 38 or 52 week placements for up to three years.
An independent special school based in Cheadle, Cheshire. For ages 8-18 year olds with social, emotional and mental health needs.
Occupational Therapy service in the community.
At Archbishop Blanch School the Sixth Form Centre is self-contained within the main body of the school, but with its own separate entrance. We pride ourselves on the facilities available to our Sixth Form students who have chosen to enrol at Archbishop Blanch with the single aim of achieving their learning goals. Their Policy can be seen here - https://www.abblanch.com/downloads/policies/2017_policies/send_policy.pdf
Find autism friendly resources in your local area and beyond. From CAMHS and coffee shops to SaLT's and special schools you can find them here.
aims to make sure children have the best hearing levels possible.
We are a small, calm, creative Independent Specialist School for young people aged 11 to 16 with an Education and Health Care Plan ( ) who find the hustle and bustle of bigger settings overwhelming. We follow a bespoke, therapeutic and nurturing approach to support pupils with a range of neuro diverse and developmental needs.
Here at Archbishop Beck Catholic Sports College we set our standards high. Our aim is to equip our students with the skills, qualifications and work experience to ensure success at University and in future career choices. Their Local Offer can be found here - http://www.archbishopbeck.com/docs/Policies/LocalOffer2.pdf
UK charity for people on the autism spectrum (including Asperger syndrome).

Amparo supports anyone affected by a suicide death, whether a recent death or a historical death.

Dimensions work with ODEON, Cineworld, Vue and Showcase to host Autism Friendly Screenings at over 250 cinemas nationwide. On Sunday mornings throughout the month, films suitable for all audiences are screened in a sensory friendly and inclusive environment.
These articles can help you better understand autism, identify the symptoms, and overcome the obstacles your child faces.

ACE Logo

Community activities and support for adults with a disability / learning disability aged 17+.

Have you left school and are considering what to do next? Or are you looking for full time work? If you are, Knowsley Apprentice could be just what you’re looking for. No qualifications or experience are required, just plenty of enthusiasm and willingness to learn.
Attention deficit disorder—also known as or ADD—makes it difficult to stay on top of the multiple tasks of daily life, especially complex tasks that require organization, planning, and sustained focus.

We are a social club for children and young people with disabilities. Activities are decided by the members and usually include: drama, games, art and crafts, music, photography and gardening.

Group for younger children  5-10 will start on 20th July 2022 

is an award-winning, ground-breaking, community-based support agency for adults with learning disabilities.
Helping Children and Teens with Attention Deficit Disorder