February 2018 Local Offer News

The various types of Family Court handle: •parental disputes over the upbringing of children •local authority intervention to protect children •decrees relating to divorce •financial support for children after divorce or relationship breakdown •some aspects of domestic violence •adoption
Acorn Farm is an award-winning, family-friendly attraction in Kirkby, Merseyside.
Unsure about the benefits you can receive? Struggling with debt or your finances? Do you know who can help you to find work?
Mediation helps you sort arrangements for children and finance. If you’re splitting-up or getting a divorce, family mediation can help you sort out arrangements with your ex or other family members. Family mediation helps all sorts of people: married and unmarried, parents, grandparents, step-parents and young people can all take part.
Part of Knowsley's Local Offer ( ) Fullerton Grove provides children with disabilities and their families overnight breaks.
All three and four-year-old children are entitled to 15 hours a week free early years provision.
Family Fund is the UK’s largest charity providing grants for families raising disabled or seriously ill children and young people.
Knowsley FACE is the Local Authority's adult education provider.
Person/community centred health approaches enabling people to live healthier more fulfilled lives.
Telephone: 0151 271 3288 Halewood, L26 0TY

The Knowsley IDSVA (Independent Domestic & Sexual Violence Advocates) Service supports anybody (male and female) from the age of 16 and above who has experienced domestic abuse and has been assessed as high risk of serious harm or murder from a current or ex-partner or family member. 

Fostering is looking after a child or young person in your home when they're unable to live with their own families. Children may need temporary care because their parents are ill, have family problems or the child may be abused or neglected.

The service delivers a range of courses and activities for parent/carers that help them to:

A national charity that advises families when they are involved with children’s services or need their help. Free helpline: 0808 8010366.
Please call 0151 443 2600 if you need to discuss a referral or 0151 443 2670 if you need to speak to a Case Manager

Emergency food packages are available for 3 days for those in need.  Food is accessed through a voucher, held by organisations across the borough.

Distribution centres around the borough - see website for locations and times.

The Refuge is a 36 bed accommodation for women and children who are escaping domestic abuse of any kind. Staff are on site 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and offer group and one to one support to the women who live here.

We provide family time sessions for children and parents who are unable to live together.
Knowsley based
Talk to Frank
FFLAG is a national voluntary organisation and registered charity. We are dedicated to supporting parents and their lesbian, gay and bisexual daughters and sons.
Knowsley Empower Job Carved Placement Opportunity; KPCV Workshops: NDP Workshop notes; Learning Disability Standards and NHS Trusts
FirstStop Advice is an independent, impartial and free service offering advice and information to older people, their families and carers about housing and care options for later life
Information about available funding and personal budgets
Fledglings is a national charity that helps parents, carers and families of disabled children and those with additional needs to find solutions to practical problems of everyday living.
for young adults either leaving education or continuing to college/university
Fibromyalgia Association UK is a registered charity run primarily by unpaid volunteers. The majority of volunteers are also fibromyalgia sufferers who work extremely hard, despite their condition, in order to forward the cause of fibromyalgia. FMA UK was established in order to provide information and support to sufferers and their families. In addition, the Association provides medical information for professionals and operates a national helpline.