Telephone: 0151 289 5349 Knowsley Village, L34 0ER
March 2022 update
Kids Pass Members enjoy huge savings nationwide:
Up to 40% off at cinemas nationwide, including adult and child tickets, 7 days a week!
Up to 57% off at thousands of family days out, including Theme Parks, Bowling, Play Centres and many more
Kids Eat Free at thousands of restaurants nationwide!
Massive savings on UK family breaks!
Our members save on average £50 per month.
With 5,189 discounts nationwide, can you afford not to have a Kids Pass?!
Telephone: 0151 556 9999 Huyton, L36 8DB
Supported Employment newsletters April 2019 - Jan 2020
Here you can register to access any of the Early Years Services available to Parents and Carers
is an alternative to visiting your GP or Accident & Emergency (A&E).
Aims to help Children/Young People with medical needs access education in hospital or home.
Can help if you are a Knowsley resident looking for work or training.
Part of Knowsley's Local Offer (
The service will support children above 36 months.
Depending on your circumstances, you may be eligible for Transport assistance.
Here you will find full information on activities, support and centre locations
Can offer support and guidance to help you start your own business; apply for funding; etc.
Supports families when the biological parents of the kin children are no longer able to do so for a variety of reasons.
Education Health Care documents and guides
Visit and volunteer at the Parks in Knowsley.
Are you in Year 11 or Not in Education, Employment or Training (
) & need help with making your next step into employment, training or education?
If you are young person with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities we can put you in touch with a relevant specialist
We are an Adult and Young People Service providing recovery services re Drug Intervention Programmes for those individuals who are offending.
Policies and strategies created by Knowsley MBC
Our Shared Lives service recruits carers to provide care in their homes for disabled adults, older people and vulnerable people needing support.
Independent statutory body ensuring individuals/organisations work together to safeguard children in Knowsley.
Emergency food packages are available for 3 days for those in need. Food is accessed through a voucher, held by organisations across the borough.
Distribution centres around the borough - see website for locations and times.
Description and link to the
Online and face to face counselling and support service open to young people 11-25 living in or attending school in, Knowsley. Young people in care living in Knowsley or young people who are from Knowsley but resident in care in another borough are welcome to use the service.
More than books
Policy attachment
The Knowsley Housing Solutions Team provide residents with specialist housing advice and support.
Knowsley Parent Carers Voice are a group of parents and carers of children with special education needs and disabilities from Knowsley.
Issues 1 - 13
December 2017- June 2020
offer the chance for you to increase independence and build employability.
Supports young people aged 6 to 18 years who are caring for a family member
September 2017 - February 2019
Kirkby Amateur Boxing Club, located at Westvale Community Centre
Our service supports children and young people aged 5 – 19 in primary and secondary schools and home educated children, as well as their families and carers. Support is also provided to schools and alternative education providers – every school has a named school nurse.
Knowsley Volunteer Community Navigators help people discover and become more involved with local people, opportunities, activities and services.
We offer a flexible approach to supporting people depending on how much support is required.
Knowsley Outdoor Education Club (KOEC) provides monthly sessions involving a range of indoor/outdoor adventurous activities.
King David High School is a mixed voluntary aided Jewish secondary school with a comprehensive intake. It exists to provide a Jewish, high quality academic and secular education for Jewish pupils as well as pupils from other faiths in the locality. Their
Policy can be seen via this link -
Telephone: 0151 477 8510 Kirkby, L32 1TZ
Knowsley Services and Information for education and schools.
We believe everyone should come and visit our safari park, so one-to-one carers go free with a paid disabled entry ticket. Any additional carers are required to pay entry prices. Carers must provide evidence such a blue badge or documentation from the DWP.
Please note we are currently developing this page and the RECORD – please continue to check for updates.
Part of Knowsley's Local Offer (
Knowsley Disability Concern is a registered charity which exists to provide a range of practical services for disabled people.
Providing services for deaf and hard of hearing people in Knowsley
We provide babies and children immediate access to a specialist multidisciplinary feeding clinic service.
If your infant or child is struggling with feeding at any stage of their development. We understand that your child may not fit the NHS criteria for a Paediatric Dietitian and the waiting lists are lengthy; Kids Feeding Team can offer immediate access to an NHS trained and experienced Dietitian.