Childcare Sufficiency Assessment (CSA)
Knowsley Council has a statutory duty to secure sufficient childcare places (so far as is reasonably practical) to enable parents to take up or remain in work, or to undertake education and training leading to work. (Childcare Act 2006)
Knowsley Council is required to produce an annual refresh report stating the sufficiency of childcare in the borough and then it is recommended that full CSA is produced every 3 years. Current Childcare Sufficiency Report.
By reviewing and analysing the supply of childcare available in the borough, and comparing it with information about demand from parents, demand from the local economy as well as other local intelligence potential gaps in childcare provision can be identified. This supports the development of our strategy for securing sufficient childcare places through working with local providers and tailoring services to the particular needs of children and families.
If you are interested in setting up a new childcare business, please visit our page for setting up a new childcare business to find out what further information and support is available.
Contact us
Should you require any further information or would like to discuss the CSA further in relation to the area where your setting is located please email us at , adding as much detail as possible and a member of the team will be in touch to arrange a meeting.