
NYAS stands for National Youth Advocacy Service, but we are known simply as NYAS.

Our Advocates can support and listen to you if you feel your wishes and feelings are not being heard by your social worker, carers or anyone else involved in decisions about your care and welfare.

Our Independent Visitors can also spend time with you at or away from your home or placement doing activities that YOU are interested in like going to the cinema or going for meals .

We want YOU to be involved in making decisions about YOUR life, it’s your RIGHT!

We can help if you are:

  • Not being listened to
  • In need of some advice
  • In need of help to talk to Children’s Services
  • Aren’t being treated fairly
  • Being told you have to move
  • Having difficulties about school
  • Not having the contact with your family that you want
  • Homeless
  • Experiencing the separation or divorce of your parents
  • Not feeling safe

If you are a child or young person, or you’re acting on behalf of a child, young person or vulnerable adult and need help, information or advice, please contact our helpline on 0808 808 1001 or send us an email.

Regarding children with a disability NYAS always use rights-based and person-centred approach ensure staff take time to observe the child or young person in their own environment.