Early Help Assessment

The Early Help Assessment for children and families (EHA) is a shared, whole family, assessment used across Knowsley by agencies providing early intervention and early support to families.  It can help practitioners develop a shared understanding of the needs of children and their families, so they can be met in a more effective and coordinated fashion.  It will avoid children and families having to tell and re-tell their story many times.

The EHA is an important tool for services delivering early help support in Knowsley and it has been designed, in collaboration with key partners, to help practitioners assess family needs at an earlier stage and then work alongside families and other agencies, to meet them.

The underlying principles of EHA model are:

  • Children’s needs and outcomes must come first and their ‘voice’ must be listened to.
  • Children’s welfare is everyone's responsibility
  • All organisations must work together for the benefit of families so that they can effectively support and nurture their children.
  • The parents'/carers' needs and rights must be considered and inform their ‘voice’ should also inform the nature of the support offered.
  • The EHA should be ‘owned’ and driven by the child and their family

What does the EHA consist of?

  • An assessment and family plan embedded within the Early Help (IT) Module which will be available to partners so they can support families themselves and/or refer to the most appropriate support in a safe and consistent manner.
  • In promoting a Team Around the Family (TAF) approach, the assessment will consider the needs of the whole family. It is solution focused, forward looking and will allow practitioners and families to demonstrate improvement and distance travelled over time through regular review and feedback.
  • Partners will be able call on the support of the Early Help Coordinator to assist and advise upon completing the assessment, use of the Early Help Module, the Lead Practitioner role and the Team Around the Family approach.

You can contact the Early Help team on: 0151 443 2600 Option 1 and Option 1 again

For more information or support regarding Knowsley’s model, the process, the EHA document itself or TAF reviews, contact the Early Help team.