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Knowsley Family
Information Service
Knowsley Local Offer (SEND)
0-4 year olds - Early Years
0-4 year olds - Early Years
Information advice and support for Pre school children
Child Development Team (CDT)
Working with children with emerging developmental problems & complex support needs.
Early Years Area SENCO
The Early Years Area
The Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator is the person who takes the lead in coordinating support for children with SEND in school settings, the Early Years Area SENCO does the same thing with private nurseries and childminders. SENCO's are the main contact for parents who have concerns about their child's SEND.
will support private nurseries and childminders to support children with additional needs in their
A setting can mean a nursery or a child minder.
Specialist Speech and Language Therapy Network for Deaf People (Cheshire & Merseyside)
We are a team of Highly Specialist Speech and Language Therapists working with Deaf People and their families across Cheshire and Merseyside.
Early Years SEND Support
Information on what is available
Early Years SEND Funding
Access and arrangements for funding
Starting School
What you can expect when your child starts school
Childcare Information Service
Finding childcare, free help and assistance.
Childcare Brokerage Service Support Finding Childcare
Helping parents and carers to find either bespoke childcare or childcare for a child or young person with
Special Educational Needs and Disability
Places To Go (SEND)
Calendar of activities for children/young people and adults with
Special Educational Needs
Online Workshops for Nurseries and Parents