SEND Area Inspection - Written Statement of Action

Area Inspection – Written Statement of Action

Written Statement of Action Document.

From 14-18 March 2022, Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission (CQC) conducted the first local area inspection in Knowsley of Special Educational Needs and / or Disabilities ( ) services and support provided across Health, Social Care, Council and Education providers.

A number of areas for improvement have been identified and a Written Statement of Action (an action plan to ensure that the local area continues to improve at pace) has been developed to address these areas. The three areas are:-

  1. Improving the 0-25 universal public health offer to ensure that the identification of is timely.
  2. Reducing the waiting time for assessment of neurodevelopmental needs and improving communication with parents/carers/children and young people.
  3. Strengthening the planning for and communication about preparation for adulthood for young people with .