Knowsley Young Carers Service

The Young Carers Team supports young people aged 6 to 18 years who are caring for a family member who due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction and cannot cope without their support. Young Carers often take on practical and/or emotional caring responsibilities that would normally be expected of an adult. 

In partnership with Vibe, we take a whole family approach to assess and support carers providing support wherever possible. This may include a trip or activity to provide peer support or a one to one chat with trained workers.  We support families to ensure that they receive a full package of help that they require, making sure all of the relevant services are involved.  This helps to ensure the young carers do not need to take on inappropriate levels of care that could be detrimental to their own health and wellbeing. 

The young carer assessment is child friendly and easily accessible and incorporates many elements of All About Me. Assessments often provide considerable insight into not only the wishes and feelings of children but also their perceptions, which can improve and inform current support plans.

The service also works alongside schools in Knowsley to promote and identify Young Carers. This invovles raising awareness through assembilies, training with teaching staff and through the promotion of Young Carers Schools Award. 


All answers must be YES to meet the criteria for the young person: 

  • Young person aged between 6-18 years old
  • Lives in Knowsley Borough
  • Is aware of the referral, and parent/guardian consent has been given
  • Cares for a family member(parent/sibling/other relative) 

Contact Details:


Contact Details
Opening days / times
Monday to Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm

Additional Information

Age range

6 - 18

Things to know


All answers must be YES to meet the criteria for the young person: 

  • Young person aged between 6-18 years old
  • Lives in Knowsley Borough
  • Is aware of the referral, and parent/guardian consent has been given
  • Cares for a family member(parent/sibling/other relative) 
Delivery period
January to December

Universal Access Universal Access

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